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I'm a Recovering Drama Queen. I got tired of the same old lines.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Witch Way Did She Go?

I changed out of my Sarah Palin costume and into another
witch's costume. Wait! Did I say that outloud? Sorry!

Peanut decided to be a witch for Halloween! We found the sweetest costume at The Children's Place. I was pretty nervous when we bought it because it was a good month and a half until Halloween...and she had been saying that she wanted to be Ariel...thank goodness she changed her mind! I like Ariel, but I've heard the costume is a tough one to wear. We've been reading this wonderful book that I got at the $1 store 3 Halloween's ago. It's called Trouble Brewing. It has about 6 different characters and I've always read it to her using the same voices. This year she not only remembered every voice I used (scary thing is so did I!), she memorized the story. From phone calls to family, to private readings for her Daddy, Mimi, Paw Paw and Nana, to telling the story to her classmates, friends...she's made her rounds. She actually read it to some of my co-workers including my boss on Halloween. Each time I'm just amazed and proud. Truth be told, I love showing her off this way.

The night before Halloween our neighbor, Joy, came over and painted her nails in rainbow colors, and the next morning she came over and helped with the makeup.
Peanut calls herself "Magical Wanda the Witch" because Wanda is the name of one of the characters in Trouble Brewing.
When we woke up Halloween morning she told me that her beloved Barkley dog should go as a ghost. I made him a quick costume out of an old pillowcase. Hard to tell that it's him in the picture because his costume got a bit twisted...but she was thrilled that he was dressed up as something spooky! Took her to my office for a bit early Friday morning and then off to school. Her school decorated the playground so the kids could go trick or treating there. It was actually very well done. Hope they do the same next year.
Friday night we went to Cecilie's house so she could Trick or Treat with her friend. Robert met us there and it was a nice way to share her for Halloween (on neutral ground). I hope this tradition continues!

We had a wonderful night. More on my costume in the next post.

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