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I'm a Recovering Drama Queen. I got tired of the same old lines.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Waterproof Mascara and Umbrellas

I sat in my car this morning and cried...
It was a good one.

I cried because my heart is too full
And there is no more room for lingering anxiety.

I let the tears flow like the clouds release rain
And nurture growth.

So this is why waterproof mascara was invented...
And umbrellas.


  1. Yay! I know it can be scary to let go, but I'm sure once that weight is lifted you'll fly higher than you have ever before.

  2. Isn't it lovely to have your heart be THAT full??

    1. being THAT full and believing I'm THAT full are two very different things, I'm finding...I'll learn to accept my good fortune without worrying I'll lose it sooner or later.

  3. I cried too... but from frustration. I'm fine now, thanks. :)

  4. Awe, Juli...hugs to you! Hey, I still have Cadbury Eggs, I can mail you some?!

  5. Dear Stephanie, I so liked what you wrote in your response to Fishducky. Feeling and being and realizing are different things. And so often, we have a deep down, subterranean and subconscious belief in a vindictive god who will erase or obliterate happiness from our life is we so much as dare to express or acknowledge it. But I say, "Shout it out! Loud and clear! Trust that Oneness is cheering with you!" Peace.

  6. Crying is cathartic for me. Even though it freaks men out! I do it anyway....

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